Sunday, May 16, 2010

My Dream Has Been Crushed

So, I had a dream of singing, infront of the whole world someday, being famouse, living the dream of every girl in the world. Well, today I heard my voice on the recorder, and I just do not have the voice of a natural. I guess I could just go after a dream of being a famouse dancer "Sigh." Dad did say that laptops do not have the best sound quality, though, if I sounded that bad on the recorder, imagine how bad I sing without it. Dancing is though my style though. I guess that kind of singing just is not me, or its the laptop, or the song, or even yet, my voice. I BETTER TAKE CHOIR CLASS FOR 5 YEARS!


  1. Eden, I have a dream of Singing Too. I used to think i had the best voice ever, then i heard it on a recorder and thought it sounded strange, but everyone else told me my voice was great. i believe them now. i think its the whole thing of: to you your voice is fantastic, then when it sounds diff, you think it sounds bad, weird or strange. plus, if you REALLY think its that bad and everyone else says it is...witch i REALLY doubt its that bad, it still doesn't matter! you can still sing. if you love doing it then why stop? Eden, I'm being truthful, I'm not trying to just cheer you up. this is what i really, truthfully, think. most people don't do what they dream because they think how they do it is bad, don't be one of those people! Please Don't.

  2. Wow Lilly, that may be the most touching thing I have ever heard you say! Now my dream is not crushed!

  3. that might be the most touching thing I've ever typed....I'm really happy. :)


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