Saturday, May 15, 2010

I'm Smart!

Ok, so every year or so we take a test that compares us to public schoolers, and turns out I'm so smart, that if I was put in public school, I would skip a couple of grades. I am in fourth grade, I would skip to 8th grade! I am so proud of myself! I am learning at an 8th grade level! I'd graduate early ooh ooh ooh oooohhh ooh! So, what grade are you in?


  1. what test? are you thinking about star testing? the results are not even out! I'm in 4'th grade too.........DUH! lol! and i know for a fact i would skip quite a few grades in public school! I'm at about a college level for some stuff.....did you know, my mom is a college teacher and I'm smarter then about 98% of her students! they write things like this: "i raelly love cup cakes, and wen i was little my mom wood make them." im not kidding! i saw that for myself! I'm like: OMG! I write WAY better then that! LOL! not to brag about it........................................................................................................................................LOL!

  2. Please Lilly, your not bragging. Plus, that must have been one of your writings from when you were very little because nobody with that good of spelling would get into college.

  3. :) thanks, ya know....i barely remember it so yeah, your probably right. lol! i know! but still, there are ones that i've seen recently, like this sentence "I thought that thing was really cool." no reasons why and nothing to support it. IN COLLEGE!? sadly, most people are retarded. lol!

  4. Really? No supporting details? That is strange. What college does your mom work at?

  5. Yeah, its retarded. My mom teaches at two schools, Sierra college and Sac State. the students sometimes act like they are like, LITTLE kids. i mean they argue, cheat, ask stupid questions like "what does medical mean?", try to force mom to give them a good grade, come up with stupid excuses like "My grandma died" (like 88% say that one. apparently school is hazardous to grandmothers! LOL!) or "i couldn't come too class because i got up late and slept in even though i have an alarm clock" i mean, I know better then that! i know WAAAAYYYYYYYY better then that!

  6. OMG! My mom just did a shoot at Sac State! I bet your mom saw my mom!

  7. OMG! Really!?!?!? Ask her if she met a teacher named Brita Wynn!

  8. OH, Eden! I just remembered! Gossip Time! so...people have been saying Miley Cyrus is Trying to drive away from Disney....At first i thought "OF COURSE SHE'S NOT!" 'Cuz the whole "Pole Dancing" thing...SO STUPID! SHE WAS STANDING ON AN ICE CREAM STAND AND THERE WAS A POLE NEXT TO HER 'CUZ STANDS LIKE THAT HAVE POLES! SHE TOUCHED IT AND NOW ITS A HUGE DRAMA! then there was the whole "Party in the U.S.A drama about her cloths...SO DUMB! but now..with the whole "Cant Be Tamed" that was kinda inappropriate...I'm starting to believe that particular gossip....oooh...its getting juicy.....what do you think?

  9. Well, I can believe she is trying to get away from Disney channel. Disney will practicly own her if she starts that shoow "Hannah Montana Forever"

    OOOH! I have some good juicy gossip to. You know the girl from Twilight "Kristian"? Well Rob Patterson said that he got Kristian pregnate! OOOOOOH!!!!! I wonder if the baby's name is going to be "Robin" Get it? Rob + Kristian = Robin?

  10. yeah, i know! that would be a strange thing to do....well, i guess we'll find out how dumb she is by her choises(sp?) ;) really? hmm....oh, LOL! Yeah! Robin!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I am in the eighth grade. Almost in the ninth. Ha.:)

  13. I am in te fourth grade, amlost in the fifth. Ha.:)

  14. I am in fourth grade, almost in fifth, just like Eden, Ha.:)


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